Join us at our 2025 Gala BRAVO!
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th Ave, Portland
Cocktail Reception at 5:30 pm | Dinner and Program at 6:30pm
Join us on April 3 for an evening of delectable food and delightful company while we highlight the museum's Bravo! moments over the past year while looking to the future. There will be music from the BRAVO Youth Orchestras' Ambassadors.
You can purchase tickets and make a Mitzvah Moment donation by clicking "Tickets" above and to the left. If you only want to make a Mitzvah Moment donation and not purchase tickets, CLICK HERE. A Mitzvah Moment contribution is simply a donation to the museum to support the Gala. These donations can be made before the Gala as well as at the event during the paddle raise portion of the evening. You do not need to attend the Gala to support the Mitzvah Moment.
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